Smit’s wish to have a laptop 

How his wish made him an artist

When a 24-year-old Smit Vora reflects on his journey from a frightened 14-year-old diagnosed with kidney failure to a successful 3D animator, it becomes clear just how impactful a single wish can be. Detected with a severe illness, he faced a challenging road ahead. The family was filled with uncertainty and fear for his life.

During his hospital stay, he was disappointed in himself, feeling like a burden to his family. Yet, it was during these darkest times that Make-A-Wish India stepped in, bringing a ray of hope and happiness to his dull hospital days. Talking to the organization and anticipating the fulfilment of his wish sparked joy and optimism in him.

Initially, his wish was to visit Kerala, but due to health restrictions, he couldn’t travel. He then considered a camera but felt it would be not useful for him since he couldn’t go anywhere to capture moments. After discussing it with his parents, he decided to wish for a laptop. This seemingly simple device became a transformative tool in his life. It allowed him to study, recover happily, and delve into digital painting, hosting exhibitions at Hinduja Hospital, which brought colour and creativity back into his days.

With the laptop, he not only pursued his studies but also nurtured his growing interest in computers and digital art. Over time, his creativity flourished, and he equipped himself with the skills needed for animation and VFX. Today, he is a successful 3D animator working with Redefine Asia, one of the top animation companies. He passionately believes that if his wish had been anything else, he might not have discovered his true calling.

This experience underscores the profound impact on the dreams, aspirations, and hopes in Smit’s life. The wish he received didn’t just make his days brighter; it paved the way for his future career and ignited a lifelong passion.

He keeps the laptop as a memento and expresses deep gratitude for the life-changing impact of his wish, stating, “When Make-A-Wish India fulfilled my wish, we did not have the financial standing to own a laptop, and I would’ve missed the chance to become who I am today if it wasn’t for them. My creative position is all thanks to that wish. One wish changed my whole life. “It was turning point for me”.

The power of a single wish can bring hope, joy, and direction to children in their most vulnerable moments. Their work transforms lives, proving that even the smallest spark of hope can ignite a passion that changes everything.

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