Jatavat Ravi

Ravi's journey with Make-A-Wish India began after his impactful experience volunteering with the Thalassemia Sickle Cell Society in Hyderabad

Years of Volunteering: Since 2019 (5 years),
Profession: Professional,
Chapter: Hyderabad

Ravi’s journey with Make-A-Wish India began after his impactful experience volunteering with the Thalassemia Sickle Cell Society in Hyderabad, where he witnessed firsthand the transformative power of fulfilling a child’s wish. Motivated by the joy and hope it brought to children facing critical illnesses, he felt a deep connection to Make-A-Wish India’s mission. What keeps Ravi committed is not just the smiles of the children but the personal enrichment he gains from each interaction. The profound sense of purpose and fulfilment he experiences aligns perfectly with his values, inspiring him to continue making a tangible difference.

One particular wish that deeply impacted Ravi was that of Mohan Sai, a young boy from Guntur diagnosed with cancer. Mohan’s wish to become a police officer was fulfilled by Sub-Inspector Ravinder at the Banjara Hills police station. Witnessing Mohan’s joy and determination as he participated in police activities left a lasting impression on Ravi, reinforcing the significance of their work.

Ravi sees beyond the immediate happiness when a child’s wish is granted. He observes a renewed sense of confidence, self-worth, and strength in the children, who continue their fight with a more positive outlook. The fulfilled wishes also strengthen family bonds, providing cherished memories and showing that kindness and community support are powerful allies. This holistic impact underscores the profound and lasting benefits of granting a child’s wish, motivating Ravi to stay dedicated to Make-A-Wish India.

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Nandu had always admired the work of the Make-A-Wish India, but in his earlier years, he couldn’t find the time to volunteer.