Ayan’s wish to be a participant on a TV show and have a teach-n-talk tablet 

Radiant Journey from sickness to stardom

Ayan’s story is a shining example of how granting wishes to children facing serious illnesses can reignite their fighting spirit and bring immense joy and motivation. At just 6 years old, Ayan’s continuous fever for two months led to the discovery of a severe illness. This challenging period forced his parents to leave their jobs for months to care for him. Despite these difficulties, Ayan remained a smart and active child. He was undergoing his treatment for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency at Sion hospital. He was a chatter box and everyone in the hospital loved him very much.

After undergoing a critical operation, Ayan’s wish for a Teach and Talk tablet was granted. The highlight of Ayan’s wish was his participation in the dance reality TV show “Deal or No Deal.” This opportunity not only allowed him to showcase his talent but also brought him immense joy and recognition. Additionally, he was taken to watch a Disney movie, received numerous gifts, and even appeared on TV. This experience was exhilarating for Ayan, making his life brighter and more exciting. His friends were thrilled to see him on TV, and the positive attention he received boosted his confidence. Also, his mother got an enhancing gift as mobile from this TV show

The Teach and Talk Tablet became valuable tools for Ayan, helping him improve his speech and learn more effectively. The joy and motivation from these experiences played a crucial role in his healing process.

Now a 15-year-old Ayan’s passion for dancing and love for math keep him vibrant and focused. He is in 9th standard, he likes Maths, in particular, serves as a refreshing escape for him, while dancing fuels his dream of becoming a film star. Today, Ayan is healthy, studying diligently, and continuing to dream of stardom.

The wish was pivotal in bringing back Ayan’s fighting spirit. Ayan and his family experienced the transformative power of hope and happiness. Granting wishes to children like Ayan does more than fulfil their dreams; it gives them the strength and motivation to overcome their illnesses and look forward to a brighter future.

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